This is my go to bag for work!
I've been using this bag for the past month and I still can't get over it. I've always had a love affair with Dior bags. Their bags are classic, yet they seem to also have a young and millennium feel to them.
Why do I love it as a work bag?
Well for one it's not so heavy on the shoulder. I can pack it up and not feel like my shoulder is going to fall off. The bag is also super understated and since it's black i don't have to worry about the bag matching my clothes.
But most importantly it's the compartments! You have the center portion that zips up completely. This is where my wallet, agenda and other odds and ends go. within the center portion there is a zip pocket where I keep the authenticity card from Dior and any important paper work or money inside for security.
You then have 2 side compartments which are so useful when you are out and about. One of the side pocket has 2 inner pockets where I keep my pen and my phone. The other side pocket is where I keep my LV cles that holds my keys.
Its a good size bag, that isn't too large for my 5ft petite frame. What do you guys think of this bag? Would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!
Lots of Heart,
I've been using this bag for the past month and I still can't get over it. I've always had a love affair with Dior bags. Their bags are classic, yet they seem to also have a young and millennium feel to them.
Why do I love it as a work bag?
Well for one it's not so heavy on the shoulder. I can pack it up and not feel like my shoulder is going to fall off. The bag is also super understated and since it's black i don't have to worry about the bag matching my clothes.
But most importantly it's the compartments! You have the center portion that zips up completely. This is where my wallet, agenda and other odds and ends go. within the center portion there is a zip pocket where I keep the authenticity card from Dior and any important paper work or money inside for security.
You then have 2 side compartments which are so useful when you are out and about. One of the side pocket has 2 inner pockets where I keep my pen and my phone. The other side pocket is where I keep my LV cles that holds my keys.
Its a good size bag, that isn't too large for my 5ft petite frame. What do you guys think of this bag? Would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!
Lots of Heart,
The Dame
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